GreenICT - publications
It is an established fact publications are an effective way to attract attention and to spread knowledge about a certain subject. If possible the
GreenICT foundation will use this means. For more publications (in Dutch) please visit the Dutch version of this page.
Our brochure is also downloadable via the following link:
- Brochure GreenICT Foundation (in Dutch, contains an English summary) Article in NRG Magazine 13 - April 2014
- NRG Battle Success Stories . Published in NRG Magazine nr. 13. Regarding the most successful teams of the NRG Battle 2013 finale (19 November 2013) including comment by jury member Roel Croes of GreenICT Foundation.Article in CIO Magazine November 2013 (in Dutch
- Congres An Innovative Truth V - Duurzame IT dichtbij huis. CIO Magazine visited An Innovative Truth V and wrote this report. CIO Magazine 2013-5.Article in NRG Magazine 11 - September 2013
- SIEnergyLab - Bridging Science & Business in ICT & Energy for a Sustainable Society. Published in NRG Magazine nr. 11. Regarding SIEnergyLab and the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Texas - Texas, Energyville - Flandres and SIEnergyLab - the Netherlands on 8 July 2013.Paper Mai 2013
- Role of Proactive Behaviour Enabled by Advanced Computational Intelligence and ICT in Smart Energy Grids.
Paper door Phuong H. Nguyen (1), Wil L. Kling (1), Paulo F. Ribeiro (1), Ganesh K. Venayagamoorthy (2) and Roel Croes (GreenICT Foundation), mei 2013.
1 = University of Technology Eindhoven (NL) 2 = Clemson University (USA)Artikel in NRG Magazine 10 - Mei 2013
- An Innovative Truth V - Five years of innovative multidisciplinary co-operation
Verschenen in NRG Magazine nr. 10. Over de jubileumeditie van An Innovative Truth 19 juni 2013 en de voorafgaande vier edities (2009 - 2012).Artikel in ICT Update - Focus Green ICT februari 2013
- Duurzaamheid begint met dromen: Koemest als grondstof voor glasvezel In dit artikel in ICT Update belicht Roel L. Croes, mede-oprichter van Stichting GreenICT de energie- en materiaalaspecten van duurzame ICT.Artikel in NRG Magazine oktober 2012
- An Innovative Truth: Multidisciplinary cooperation for sustainable innovation. In dit, door Roel Croes ingeleide, artikel in NRG Magazine geven Ton Backx (TU Eindhoven), Gerard Beenker (NXP), Rens Knegt (Netbeheer Nederland) en Frits Verheij (DNVKEMA) hun visie op het thema Duurzame ICT & Energie.Artikel in CIO Magazine oktober 2012
- Congres An Innovative Truth gezamenlijk toekomstbeeld. Hoofdredacteur Hotze Zijlstra bezocht An Innovative Truth IV en deed hiervan versIag in CIO Magazine 2012-5.Artikel in NRG Magazine juni 2012
- An Innovative Truth IV: Sustainable ICT & Energy Conference. Dit artikel geeft een impressie van de vierde editie van An Innovative Truth - Congres over Duurzame ICT & Energie. De An Innovative Truth congressen zijn een initiatief van Stichting GreenICT.Interview met Roel Croes (GreenICT) over IIP Duurzame ICT in I/O Magazine maart 2012
- IIP’s goed op weg: Kansrijk door samenwerking. I/O Magazine is een uitgave van de Nederlandse organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO).Artikel in NRG Magazine maart 2012
- Rational Middle: Intelligent networks, make them as smart as possible! Or not? . Dit artikel in NRG Magazine geeft de visies weer van Prof. dr. ir. Han La Poutré, CWI & UU en mr. Roel Croes, Stichting IIP Duurzame ICT & Stichting GreenICT.Innovatiecontract BBE Groene Groei - van biomassa naar business - 16 januari 2012
Vermelding Stichting GreenICT in het Innovatiecontract BioBased Economy 2012 - 2016 (blz. 23): "Onder MKB en start up bedrijven bevinden zich vaak de meest vooruitstrevende en innovatieve bedrijven zoals .... GreenICT (POF)."Artikel in Petrochem 12-2011 over BPM-onderzoeksprogramma met partner GreenICT
- Productie biostyreen levert ook bio-acrylzuur op. Dit artikel in Petrochem beschrijft de activiteiten in het Biobased Performance Materials-onderzoeksprogramma.Article by Roel Croes, board member GreenICT, NRG Magazine November 2011
- ICT: the crucial factor for future Smart Grids. This article in NRG Magazine describes the cruciale role of ICT R & regarding future smart grids.Publication of IIP Duurzame ICT Strategic Research Agenda in co-operation with SOV
- IIP Duurzame ICT Strategic Research Agenda (SRA). ISBN13: 9789081752107FreeNovation Online Magazine Number 15 | September 2008
- "Green" no longer so strange . For FreeNovation, the online magazine of Freeband, Daphne Riksen interviewed IIP Sustainable ICT initiator and GreenICT co-founder mr. Roel L. Croes.IT Executive 25 June 2008 (in Dutch)
- Glasvezel uit Koeienpoep . Editor-in-chief Fred van der Molen of IT Executive describes in a clear and concise article (view page 29) the BIOPOF initiative. A webversion of this article is also available (in Dutch).Computer Business Magazine May 2008 (in Dutch)
- People, Planet, Profit, Pleasure . Editor Sander van Buuren of Computer Business Magazine interviewed GreenICT founder Roel L. Croes for the CBM Green IT special.GreenICT19 November 2007 (published 22 November 2007. In Dutch)
- Prevention is better than cure. Our reaction to the advice of the Health Council of the Netherlands to the Minister of VROM regarding electromagnetic fields and health.GreenICT and ICTRegie 14 November 2007
- persbericht Oprichting ICT InnovatiePlatform Duurzame ICT (in Dutch) 10 September 2007 | News | Strategy
- ICT geen hoofdrol in Innovatieplatform (in Dutch)Computable 15 June 2007 | News | Strategy
- Wereld te winnen voor "groene" it (in Dutch) 22 May 2007 | News | Strategy
- Wereld te winnen voor "groene" it (in Dutch)
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